On this episode, Jeremy and Rebecca chat with Jonas Bonér about stateful serverless with Akka Serverless, the use cases that stateless serverless opens up, why reactive principles are important for distributed applications, and what future abstractions will mean for infrastructure.
Play this episodeOn this episode, Jeremy and Rebecca chat with Ali Spittel about the ongoing evolution of AWS Amplify, why developers should be embracing low-code frameworks and platforms, why developers shouldn't feel like they need to know everything, and so much more.
Play this episodeOn this episode, Jeremy and Rebecca chat with Simon Wardley about the advantages of using maps to gain situational awareness, how the evolution of utilities lets us build things more quickly, why inertia is delaying the inevitable, and so much more.
Play this episodeOn this episode, Jeremy and Rebecca chat with Emily Shea about how she got started with serverless, the technical challenges she faced, the hurdles she overcame, and how she uses that to help her customers become better serverless practitioners.
Play this episodeOn this episode, Jeremy and Rebecca chat with Corey Quinn about the unlikely success of cloud agnostic projects, the myth of portability, how accounting feels about metered cloud/serverless billing models, how big tech handles criticism, and much more.
Play this episodeOn this episode, Jeremy and Rebecca chat with Ben Kehoe about what infrastructure as code really means, why IaC with serverless is different than non-serverless architectures, how IaC defines resource graphs that fully specify the state of your system, why is it important for developer intent to be maintained by IaC systems, and much more.
Play this episodeOn this episode, Jeremy chats with Nader Dabit about Edge & Node's graphQL API for querying blockchain data, how this and other decentralized protocols power the Web3 movement, what types of applications you can build with them, why you'd want to, and a whole lot more.
Play this episodeOn this episode, Jeremy chats with Patrick Strzelec about the business and technical case for using serverless at NorthOne, what the adoption process looked like, how they used serverless to build their event driven architecture, the challenges they faced, and much more.
Play this episodeOn this episode, Jeremy chats with Patrick McFadin about why the world is headed toward data services and away from databases, how this better enables "zero day developers", why a shortage of specialists makes this even more necessary, and much more.
Play this episodeOn this episode, Jeremy chats with Mahdi Azarboon about why understanding different serverless perspectives is important, what challenges you'll face across providers, why you should take a more holistic approach when embracing serverless, and much more.
Play this episodeOn this episode, Jeremy chats with Amy Arambulo Negrette about what makes a good conference talk, why doing technical talks and creating content can help your career, how new problems can become a source of new content, how to make problems more interesting, and much more.
Play this episodeOn this episode, Jeremy chats with Julian Wood about how Lambda Extensions open up better integrations with more partners and tools, why container image support enables better workflows, why more developers are adopting event-driven applications, and the impact serverless best practices has had on people and the quality of software.
Play this episodeOn this very special 100th episode, Rebecca Marshburn interviews Jeremy about how he got started with serverless, why he started the Off-by-none newsletter and Serverless Chats, what he thinks is next for serverless and cloud, and so much more.
Play this episodeOn this episode, Jeremy chats with Rob Sutter about how bottom up adoption by developers has led to the proliferation of "cloud" inside most companies, the role third-party tooling plays in winning developer loyalty, and how the API economy inevitably leads to components distributed across cloud providers.
Play this episodeOn this episode, Jeremy chats with Daniel Kim about why serverless is a great starting place for junior developers, how the program scopes projects for beginners, what types of projects students can build, and how you can become a Bit Project mentor to help others learn serverless.
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